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Could not create shared memory: %s /vlmcsdWarning: Could not create semaphore: %s FATAL: Could not get network address list: %s WARNING: Could not get IP address from interface list: %s :: Could not listen on any socket. setgroupsrandomized at program startFatal: Could not daemonize to background. Warning: Cannot write pid file '%s'. %s. vlmcsd %s started successfully Fatal: %s 1688 %$φS?Y܅urӄm̓1a<a(hك6  $(,048<@+,,-#E e       $ ( , 0 4%8)      7V G 9!K?W@&'/>>L:NPFkkk ;$;;; ;;; ;;O $       $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L PAZIDJ2" CC*R45 Fatal: %s is not a KMS data file Fatal: Could not read %s: %s Fatal: Out of memorysyslog%Y-%m-%d %X: trueyesfalseoffno/etc/vlmcsd.kmdrbRead KMS data file %s Warning: Legacy database: Some products are missing. KMDFatal: Option "-%c" must be numeric between %u and %u. 0123456789ABCDEFi486-Hotbird-linux-musl-gcc.br_real 5.3.0Compiler: %s little-endian Intel x86 Linux muslIntended platform:%s %s %08x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%012llxProtocol version : %u.%u KMS host extended PID : %s KMS host Hardware ID : %016llX Client machine ID : %s %Y-%m-%d %XClient request timestamp (UTC) : %s KMS host current active clients : %u Renewal interval policy : %u Activation interval policy : %u YesNoUnknownClient is a virtual machine : %s Licensing status : %u (%s) Remaining time (0 = forever) : %i minutes Application ID : %s (%s) SKU ID (aka Activation ID) : %s (%s) KMS ID (aka KMS counted ID) : %s (%s) Previous client machine ID : %s Workstation name : %s N count policy (minimum clients): %u UnlicensedLicensedOOB graceOOT graceNon-GenuineNotificationExtended grace:v;FOYco|Fatal: KMSv%hu.%hu unsupported NDR32 Fatal: Sending RPC bind request failed Fatal: Did not receive a response from server Fatal: Incomplete RPC bind acknowledgement received Fatal: Expected %u CTX items but got %u Warning: Rejected transfer syntax %s did not return syntax version 0 but %u Warning: Transfer syntax %s does not support KMS activation Warning: Rejected transfer syntax %s did not return ack reason RPC_SYNTAX_UNSUPPORTED Warning: BTFN did not respond with RPC_BIND_ACK or RPC_BIND_NACK Warning: BTFN did not return expected feature mask 0x3 but 0x%X ... BTFN Fatal: transfer syntax %s returned an invalid status, neither RPC_BIND_ACCEPT nor RPC_BIND_NACK Fatal: Transfer syntax of RPC bind request and response does not match Fatal: Expected transfer syntax version %u for %s but got %u Warning: Ack reason should be 0 but is %u ... NDR64 ... NDR32 Fatal: Could neither negotiate NDR32 nor NDR64 with the RPC server Warning: Rejected transfer syntax %s did not return NULL Guid Warning: Child killed/crashed by %s Warning: %s: %s [%s]:%s%s:%sIPv6IPv4accepted%s connection %s: %s. Client with public IP address rejected closedWarning: %s error. %s Warning: Cannot use FREEBIND on %s: %s Listening on %s Fatal: Exiting on warning level %i or greater m+ mӔ,l@E3qq7I6]+H`u!QNPG%UU/BD7q۵[V9Y?^[1$} Ut]rހܛtiGƝ̡ $o,-tJܩ\ڈvRQ>m1'Y GQcg)) '8!.m,M 8STs e jv.,r迢KfpK£Ql$օ5pjl7LwH'4 9JNOʜ[o.htocxxȄnjlPxq Fatal: Could not send RPC request Fatal: No RPC response received from server Fatal: RPC response is incomplete Fatal: RPC response cancel count is not 0 Fatal: RPC response context id %u is not bound Fatal: NDR data length (%u) does not match NDR data size (%u) Fatal: No or incomplete KMS response received. Required %u bytes but only got %i Warning: RPC stub size is %u, should be %u (probably incorrect padding) Warning: RPC stub data not padded to zeros according to Microsoft standard Timed outFatal: No KMS servers found Found %-40s (priority: %hu, weight: %hu, randomized weight: %i) Connecting to %s (%s) ... Connecting to %s ... Performing RPC bind ...Warning: Could not bind RPC ... successfulFatal: Could not connect to any KMS server Request activation for Office 2013 using V4 protocol from %s -l "Office 2013 Professional" -4 %s -l "Office 2013 Professional" -4 Request activation for Windows Server 2012 using V4 protocol from localhost:1688 %s -4 -l "Windows Server 2012" -k 8665cb71-468c-4aa3-a337-cb9bc9d5eaac %s -4 -l "Windows Server 2012" %s -4 -l "Windows Server 2012" [::1]:1688 %s -4 -l "Windows Server 2012" Send 100,000 requests to localhost:1688 %s -n 100000 Request Activation for Windows 8 from and pretend to be Steve Ballmer %s -l "Windows 8 Professional" -w steveb1.redmond.microsoft.com IPv5 does not exist. Fatal: Protocol version must be in the format #.# Fatal: Major and minor protocol version number must be between 0 and 65535 WARNING! Truncating workstation name to 63 characters (%s). Warning: Correct license status is 0 <= license status <= 6. vlmcs %s %i-bit DNS_PARSER=internalvlmcs flags:%s +N:B:i:j:l:a:s:k:c:w:r:n:t:g:G:o:K:pPTv456mexdV111O{f#g[G~yo*]UdpJAC-FJ!Cannot initialize resolver: %s_vlmcs._tcpFatal: DNS query to %s%s failed: %s \[x%02x%1x/%d]Warning: DNS server returned non-SRV record Warning: DNS server returned non-IN class record Warning: No valid DNS name returned in SRV record: %s :%huFatal: Incorrect DNS response: %s Warning: Error in DNS resource record: %s vlmcsvlmcsdmulti %s Usage: %s vlmcsd [] %s vlmcs [] ERROR: Non-Zero RPC result code. ERROR: Decryption of V5/V6 response failed. ERROR: AES CBC initialization vectors (IVs) of request and response do not match. ERROR: The length of the PID is not valid. ERROR: Computed hash does not match hash in response. ERROR: Client machine GUIDs of request and response do not match. ERROR: Time stamps of request and response do not match. ERROR: Protocol versions of request and response do not match. ERROR: Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) is incorrect. WARNING: The KMS server is an emulator because the response uses an IV following KMSv5 rules in KMSv6 protocol. WARNING: Size of RPC payload (KMS Message) should be %u but is %u. WARNING: Server's RPC protocol does not support NDR32. WARNING: Server's RPC protocol has NDR64 but no BTFN. -> %s (%016llX) Response from KMS server ======================== Size of KMS Response : %u (0x%x) 0123456789-03-.0000-<<< Incoming KMS request KMS v%i.%i request from %s for %s randomized on every requestvlmcsd defaultRejecting request with more than 1000 minimum clients (0x8007000D) Client time differs more than 4 hours from system time (0xC004F06C) Refusing retail or beta product (0xC004F042) Refusing unknown product (0xC004F042) Refusing product with incorrect Application ID (0xC004F042) Rejecting more than 671 clients (0xC004D104) Sending ePID (%s): %s >>> Sending response, ePID source = %s  @6c|w{ko0g+׫vʂ}YGԢr&6?4q1#'u ,nZR;ֳ)/S [j˾9JLXCM3EPfHa5WiَU(ߌ BhA-T=^hl7R j068@|9/4CDT{2#=L BN.f($v[Im%rdhԤ\]elpHP^FWث XE,?k:AOgst"57unGq)ʼnobV>Ky xZݨ31Y'_`QJ -zɜ;M* always use for Windows -0 always use for Office2010 -3 always use for Office2013 -6 always use for Office2016 -G always use for Win China Gov -H always use hardware Id -u set uid to -g set gid to -r 0|1|2 set ePID randomization level (default 1) -C use fixed in random ePIDs -o 0|1|2|3 set protection level against clients with public IP addresses (default 0) -x exit if warning reached (default 0) -L
[:] listen on IP address
with optional -P set TCP port for subsequent -L statements (default 1688) -F0, -F1 disable/enable binding to foreign IP addresses -m Handle max. simultaneously (default no limit) -e log to stdout -D run in foreground -K 0|1|2|3 set whitelisting level for KMS IDs (default -K0) -c0, -c1 disable/enable client time checking (default -c0) -M0, -M1 disable/enable maintaining clients (default -M0) -E0, -E1 disable/enable start with empty client list (default -E0, ignored if -M0) -t disconnect clients after of inactivity (default 30) -d disconnect clients after each request -k don't disconnect clients after each request (default) -N0, -N1 disable/enable NDR64 -B0, -B1 disable/enable bind time feature negotiation -p write pid to -i use config file -j use KMS data file -R renew activation every (default 1w) -A retry activation every (default 2h) -l syslog log to syslog -l log to -T0, -T1 disable/enable logging with time and date (default -T1) -v log verbose -q don't log verbose (default) -V display version information and exit Invalid group id or nameInvalid user id or nameIncorrect time span.Unknown keyword.ListenCannot listen on %s.Read ini file %s Warning: %s line %u: "%s". %s WinChinaGovExitLevelKmsDataWhiteListingLevelCheckClientTimeStartEmptyMaintainClientsRandomizationLevelLCIDPortFreeBindMaxWorkersConnectionTimeoutDisconnectClientsImmediatelyUseNDR64UseBTFNPIDFileLogDateAndTimeLogFileLogVerboseActivationIntervalRenewalIntervaluserPublicIPProtectionLevel&1H@[ GNqYnUFatal: Received wrong RPC packet type. Expected %u but got %u Fatal: RPC response does not conform to Microsoft's limited support of DCE RPC Fatal: RPC response requests authentication Fatal: RPC packet flags RPC_PF_FIRST and RPC_PF_LAST are not both set. RPC_PF_CANCEL_PENDINGWarning: %s should not be set RPC_PF_RESERVEDRPC_PF_NOT_EXECRPC_PF_MAYBERPC_PF_OBJECTFatal: Expected RPC version 5.0 and got %u.%u Warning: RPC_PF_MULTIPLEX of RPC request and response should match RPC_PF_MULTIPLEXWarning: Buggy RPC of Wine detected. Call Id of Response is always 1 Fatal: Sent Call Id %u but received answer for Call Id %u You may use these product names or numbers: %3u = %sInvalid client application. "%s" is not valid for -l. vlmcs %s Usage: %s [options] [ [:] | . | - ] [options] Options: -v Be verbose -l -4 Force V4 protocol -5 Force V5 protocol -6 Force V6 protocol -i Use IP protocol (4 or 6) -j Load external KMS data file -e Show some valid examples -x Show valid Apps -d no DNS names, use Netbios names (no effect if -w is used) -V show version information and exit Advanced options: -a Use custom Application GUID -s Use custom Activation Configuration GUID -k Use custom KMS GUID -c Use custom Client GUID. Default: Use random -o Use custom Prevoius Client GUID. Default: ZeroGUID -K Use a specific (possibly invalid) protocol version -w Use custom workstation name. Default: Use random -r Fake required clients -n Fixed # of requests (Default: Enough to charge) -m Pretend to be a virtual machine -G Get ePID/HwId data and write to . Can't be used with -l, -4, -5, -6, -a, -s, -k, -r and -n -T Use a new TCP connection for each request. -N <0|1> disable or enable NDR64. Default: 1 -B <0|1> disable or enable RPC bind time feature negotiation. Default: 1 -t Use specfic license status (0 <= T <= 6) -g Use a specfic binding expiration time in minutes. Default 43200 -P Ignore priority and weight in DNS SRV records -p Don't use multiplexed RPC bind : TCP port name of the KMS to use. Default 1688. : host name of the KMS to use. Default .: find KMS server in via DNS : (Type %s -x to see a list of valid apps) Fatal: Command line contains an invalid GUID. vlmcsd %s was shutdown /dev/nullIllegal byte sequenceDomain errorResult not representableNot a ttyPermission deniedOperation not permittedNo such file or directoryNo such processFile existsValue too large for data typeNo space left on deviceOut of memoryResource busyInterrupted system callResource temporarily unavailableInvalid seekCross-device linkRead-only file systemDirectory not emptyConnection reset by peerOperation timed outConnection refusedHost is downHost is unreachableAddress in useBroken pipeI/O errorNo such device or addressBlock device requiredNo such deviceNot a directoryIs a directoryText file busyExec format errorInvalid argumentArgument list too longSymbolic link loopFilename too longToo many open files in systemNo file descriptors availableBad file descriptorNo child processBad addressFile too largeToo many linksNo locks availableResource deadlock would occurState not recoverablePrevious owner diedOperation canceledFunction not implementedNo message of desired typeIdentifier removedDevice not a streamNo data availableDevice timeoutOut of streams resourcesLink has been severedProtocol errorBad messageFile descriptor in bad stateNot a socketDestination address requiredMessage too largeProtocol wrong type for socketProtocol not availableProtocol not supportedSocket type not supportedNot supportedProtocol family not supportedAddress family not supported by protocolAddress not availableNetwork is downNetwork unreachableConnection reset by networkConnection abortedNo buffer space availableSocket is connectedSocket not connectedCannot send after socket shutdownOperation already in progressOperation in progressStale file handleRemote I/O errorQuota exceededNo medium foundWrong medium typeNo error informationT!" K  'hnopqb ($ %#}&*+<=>?CGJMXYZ[\]^_`acdefgijklrstyz{|: unrecognized option: : option requires an argument: [%b %e %T<%d>%s %n%s%s%.0d%s: /dev/console%.*s/dev/logInvalid flagsName does not resolveTry againNon-recoverable errorUnknown errorUnrecognized address family or invalid lengthUnrecognized socket typeUnrecognized serviceUnknown errorOut of memorySystem errorOverflowUnknown error%d.%d.%d.%d.in-addr.arpaip6.arpa/etc/hosts/etc/services/udp/tcp0123456789abcdefHost not foundTry againNon-recoverable errorAddress not availableUnknown error%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%d.%d.%d.%d:02 #   (/etc/resolv.conf127.0.0.1optionsndots:attempts:timeout:nameserverdomainsearchrwa|@}QR RR(R2Rb e e e e e e e ed ec cddd e c e e edab"b e ed eVc e e>baaaaa _a b0123456789ABCDEF              A_??AM(knN?@Unknown signalHangupInterruptQuitIllegal instructionTrace/breakpoint trapAbortedBus errorArithmetic exceptionKilledUser defined signal 1Segmentation faultUser defined signal 2Broken pipeAlarm clockTerminatedStack faultChild process statusContinuedStopped (signal)StoppedStopped (tty input)Stopped (tty output)Urgent I/O conditionCPU time limit exceededFile size limit exceededVirtual timer expiredProfiling timer expiredWindow changedI/O possiblePower failureBad system callRT32RT33RT34RT35RT36RT37RT38RT39RT40RT41RT42RT43RT44RT45RT46RT47RT48RT49RT50RT51RT52RT53RT54RT55RT56RT57RT58RT59RT60RT61RT62RT63RT64/dev/shm/tmp-%d__vdso_clock_gettimeLINUX_2.6%m/%d/%y%Y-%m-%d%H:%M%H:%M:%S %%2d+%lld%+.2d%.2d%0*lld׉ oPڇ0\ш2ƉՆU'/PՆ*5If\  !"#  !"#/proc/self/fd/UTF-8ASCII.^[yY]^[nN]yesnoSunMonTueWedThuFriSatSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberAMPM%a %b %e %T %Y%m/%d/%y%H:%M:%S%I:%M:%S %p%m/%d/%y0123456789%a %b %e %T %Y%H:%M:%S{/dev/shm/       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(Retail)Windows 8.1 (Volume)Windows PreviewWindows Server 2008 A (Web and HPC)Windows Server 2008 B (Standard and Enterprise)Windows Server 2008 C (Datacenter)Windows Server 2008 R2 A (Web and HPC)Windows Server 2008 R2 B (Standard and Enterprise)Windows Server 2008 R2 C (Datacenter)Windows Server 2012Windows Server 2012 R2Windows Server 2016Windows Server PreviewWindows VistaOffice 2010Office 2013Office 2013 (Pre-Release)Office 2016Windows 10 Enterprise GWindows 10 Enterprise GNWindows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSBWindows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB NWindows 10 HomeWindows 10 Home Country SpecificWindows 10 Home NWindows 10 Home Single LanguageWindows 10 EducationWindows 10 Education NWindows 10 EnterpriseWindows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSBWindows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB NWindows 10 Enterprise NWindows 10 Professional WorkstationWindows 10 Professional Workstation NWindows 10 ProfessionalWindows 10 Professional EducationWindows 10 Professional Education NWindows 10 Professional NWindows 10 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Embedded Industry ProfessionalWindows 8.1 Embedded Industry AutomotiveWindows 8.1 Embedded Industry EnterpriseWindows 10 Enterprise PreviewWindows 10 Professional PreviewWindows 10 Professional WMC PreviewWindows 8.x PreviewWindows 8.x Preview ARMWindows Server 2008 WebWindows Server 2008 Compute ClusterWindows Server 2008 StandardWindows Server 2008 Standard without Hyper-VWindows Server 2008 EnterpriseWindows Server 2008 Enterprise without Hyper-VWindows Server 2008 DatacenterWindows Server 2008 Datacenter without Hyper-VWindows Server 2008 for ItaniumWindows MultiPoint Server 2010Windows Server 2008 R2 WebWindows Server 2008 R2 HPC EditionWindows Server 2008 R2 StandardWindows Server 2008 R2 EnterpriseWindows Server 2008 R2 DatacenterWindows Server 2008 R2 for Itanium EnterpriseWindows Server 2012 DatacenterWindows Server 2012 MultiPoint PremiumWindows Server 2012 MultiPoint StandardWindows Server 2012 StandardWindows Server 2012 R2 Cloud StorageWindows Server 2012 R2 DatacenterWindows Server 2012 R2 EssentialsWindows Server 2012 R2 StandardWindows Server 2016 Azure CoreWindows Server 2016 Cloud StorageWindows Server 2016 DatacenterWindows Server 2016 EssentialsWindows Server 2016 StandardWindows Server 2016 Datacenter PreviewWindows Vista BusinessWindows Vista Business NWindows Vista EnterpriseWindows Vista Enterprise NOffice Access 2010Office Excel 2010Office Groove 2010Office InfoPath 2010Office Mondo 1 2010Office Mondo 2 2010Office OneNote 2010Office OutLook 2010Office PowerPoint 2010Office Professional Plus 2010Office Project Pro 2010Office Project Standard 2010Office Publisher 2010Office Small Business Basics 2010Office Standard 2010Office Visio Premium 2010Office Visio Pro 2010Office Visio Standard 2010Office Word 2010Office Access 2013Office Excel 2013Office InfoPath 2013Office Lync 2013Office Mondo 2013Office OneNote 2013Office OutLook 2013Office PowerPoint 2013Office Professional Plus 2013Office Project Pro 2013Office Project Standard 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