'在FORM中添加两个ListBox和一个CommandButton一个Timer,不要改动他们的属性. 步骤2 在FORM中添加如下代码: Private Sub FORM_Load() Dim x As Integer For x = 1 To 26 list1.AddItem Chr$(x + 64) Next x For x = 1 To 26 List2.AddItem Chr$(x + 64) Next x Timer1.INTERVAL = 1 Timer1.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() End End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Static PrevList1 Dim TopIndex_List1 As Integer TopIndex_List1 = list1.TopIndex If TopIndex_List1 <> PrevList1 Then List2.TopIndex = TopIndex_List1 PrevList1 = TopIndex_List1 End If If list1.ListIndex <> List2.ListIndex Then List2.ListIndex = list1.ListIndex End If End Sub '运行程序,当选中其中一个列表框中的某一项后,另外一个列表框中的相应项就会被选中.