MouseDown、MouseUp、MouseMove。VB 似乎提供了很好的 Mouse 事件。但好象还缺少什么!对!还差 MouseExit(鼠标移出)事件。在 VB 中,我们要捕捉 MouseExit 事件,必须用 API 函数: Private Declare Function SetCapture Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long Private Declare Function ReleaseCapture Lib "user32" () As Long '然后,我们可以在控件(以 Picture1 为例)的 MouseMove 事件上加上以下代码: Dim MouseExit As Boolean MouseOver = (0 <= x) And (x <= Picture1.Width) And (0 <= y) And (y <= Picture1.Height) If MouseExit Then '........ SetCapture Picture1.hwnd Else '........ ReleaseCapture End If